MMA helps discipline the youth in many ways
Jeff Chan
Impossible que son nom ne sonne pas familier si vous êtes un tantinet intéressé par le monde des Arts Martiaux. Jeff Chan. Le combattant de MMA, qui a été signé par ONE Championship, a déjà cinq duels pros à son actif. Passionné de Muay Thaï, ce natif d’Ontario (Canada) a commencé à filmer son périple martial en 2016, embarquant dans son sillage une communauté de plus de 200’000 abonnés sur youtube et de quelque 160’000 fans sur instagram.
Sa marque de fabrique: une discipline de fer conduite par une authentique curiosité intellectuelle, laquelle l’amène à côtoyer des adeptes du monde entier. Une connaissance qu’il partage avec enthousiasme et pédagogie avec son (bientôt) demi-million d’abonnés. Son but: rendre les arts martiaux accessibles à tous, comme il l’explique sur ses médias baptisés “MMAShredded”. Rencontre en mode speed dating avec une étoile montante de la cage MMA. /Interview in English/
Jeff Chan, Technical Data
Age 29
Nationality Canadian
Height 174 cm
Weight 152 lbs
Weight Class Featherweight
Number of fights 5 pro MMA
Cherrycrew: Hi Jeff, Welcome On Board! Can you tell us how you did start off your Martial arts journey?
Jeff Chan: Hi, Cherryship. I am born and raised in Canada. I started training Muay Thai in 2007, and I followed up with Brazilian Jiujitsu and wrestling in 2011.
CC: What kind of teenager were you?
JC: I was not always very confident, and I was actually bullied a bit as a teenager.
Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu jitsu are the best martial arts for a streetfight or MMA.
Jeff Chan
CC: How did your Youtube and Instagram channels (MMAShredded) start?
JC: I started the channel in 2016 when I went to Thailand. I started it as a way to vlog my martial arts journey, like a diary.
CC: How could MMA help youth in 2021?
JC: MMA helps discipline the youth in many ways. You become fit, healthy, respectful, humble, confident and many other traits. You also learn self defense and keeps yourself busy.
CC: Do you take days off?
JC: I try to train everyday.
CC: What fighter do you look up to?
JC: I look up to George St. Pierre.
CC: How do you want to be remembered as a fighter?
JC: I want to be remembered as a Martial Artist. A humble and respectful one.
CC: Can you mention two of your favorite combos in fight?
JC: I would say Jab – cross – low kick and Inside low kick – jab – cross.
CC: How do you get over losing a fight?
JC: I accept that I am not the best fighter out there. I also believe that I can’t be or ever will be. There are always new and younger fighters who have more talent or resources.
It is too hard to compete with everyone around the world. Instead, I just try to compete with myself and try to be the best version of myself.
I want to be remembered as a humble Martial Artist
Jeff Chan
CC: How do you deal with pain in MMA?
JC: I accept that you get hit in the sport, but I try my best to train/fight smart by using footwork and evasive tactics.
CC: And last question to soothe the endless youtube debates: what martial arts work best in MMA / in a street fight?
JC: I would say Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiujitsu are the best martial arts for a streetfight or MMA.
Jeff’s channels
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